Dwelling and Observer have signed a technical cooperation agreement. IoT-based micro dust measurement and analysis Smart healthcare specialist Dwelling (CEO Jeon Jeong-hwan) and block-chain technology-based smart weather service provider Observer (CEO Se Jin-jin) have signed data collection and analysis business agreement on January 15, 2019.
The agreement was based on the block-chain technology and collected weather data, and the agreement was signed to improve the atmospheric environment, to prevent fine dust from entering indoors and through quick and accurate fine dust measurement information.
Kim Se-jin, Observer CEO, said, “With this agreement, we will be working with Dwelling to reduce fine dust particles, which will automatically filter out unnecessary weather data and gather accurate weather information to actively share information about the atmosphere. We will make efforts to prevent diseases and improve the air quality through improving the indoor and outdoor air quality. “
In addition, Chung Jung-Hwan said, “Dwelling is making efforts to visualize the air quality data in real-time and remote control of the information collected through the IoT-based air quality measurement sensor developed by Dwelling with the air purification device.” In addition, by cooperating internal and external air quality data with Observer spontaneously, we will deliver more accurate and accurate fine dust information. “